The Marriage Strike: Modern Women CAN'T Survive Without Men

An intriguing question that frequently emerges in contemporary discourse is whether women can navigate life without men. This conversation doesn't involve survival in terms of life or death, but it scrutinizes the very fabric of our societal interactions. It questions whether women can continue to live their lives as they currently do if men were not in the picture. The point of contention here is whether women can function independently, devoid of any validation or recognition from men, in a society where men are completely self-reliant.

But what if we switch the scenario around? What if it is men who decided they were done with women, choosing to live in solitary existence? Does that notion resonate as a probable reality, or do we instinctively believe that women can still thrive on their own?

Delving Deeper into The Societal Narrative

If we take a closer look at the examples in popular culture - books, movies, TV shows, and even myths and legends, it's challenging to pinpoint instances where women have thrived independently. Women are often depicted as thriving after utilizing the resources brought into their lives by men, rather than through their individual perseverance and resilience. The narrative seems to be ingrained deeply into societal subconscious.

Let's consider single women, for instance. Their lives often revolve around trying to gain attention and validation from men they are interested in. For women in relationships, the dependence becomes more evident. They use their partner's time, energy, and resources to improve their lifestyle, relying heavily on their male counterparts to meet their needs.

Married women are no exception. They rely heavily on their husbands for practically everything - paying bills, buying groceries, ensuring the supply of electricity, gas, fuel, covering costs of vacations, medical treatments, insurance, and more. While this may be the case for many, there are exceptions. Working mothers, for instance, who earn a decent living, still seem to rely on their husbands for most things, despite their financial independence.

Single, divorced mothers often live off the resources assigned by the law to care for themselves and their children. These resources often come from an ex-husband. Based on these observations, one could argue that women, at least in certain circles, struggle to function independently without men.

But why is this so? If men and women are equals and if women can do everything a man can, why do women depend on men so heavily?

Women and Society: Expectations and Realities

The reasons could be attributed to societal expectations. Men are traditionally expected to be providers, while women are often seen as the nurturers, raising children. Yet, many modern women reject this antiquated thinking, believing they are destined for more than just raising children.

In the current societal narrative, women are seen as competent decision-makers for large corporations, government leaders, crime fighters, generals, air marshals, and ministers. Yet, even with these impressive credentials, would a female minister still need men in her life to function? If a woman excels in her career and believes she doesn't need men, will she maintain this conviction throughout her life?

On the Streets: The Case of Homeless Women

Observing an elderly homeless woman forced to live on the streets is heart-wrenching. While help may come from individuals or government organizations, her presence on the street often tells a tale of stubborn independence. Many of these women, especially in modern times, would rather endure hardship than subject themselves to a man's authority and leadership. This often leads to difficult circumstances.

However, other reasons may lead women into homelessness, such as substance abuse, poor life decisions, or disastrous events like fires. Regardless of the cause, the situation calls for empathy rather than sympathy. It's important not to rescue someone solely based on their gender but to understand the circumstances that led to their situation.

Poor Choices and Their Consequences

Understanding the reasoning behind their circumstances allows us to recognize patterns in human behavior. The majority of these situations can be traced back to the person's poor choices. For example, a teenage girl who becomes pregnant by a stereotypical 'bad boy' finds that the boy, also a teenager, is not equipped or willing to take care of the child. A few years later, she becomes pregnant again with a different man. This girl now has two children to raise on her own, without the help of a father figure. Such a situation demonstrates a lack of long-term thinking skills, which often creates challenges in navigating situations where men dominate.

Turning The Tables: Do Men Need Women?

Now, to balance the perspective, let's consider the reverse situation: Do men need women to survive in the way that women need men? What would be the impact on women if men stopped caring about them?

The first thing to recognize is that the advancement of women to their current societal status is largely due to the care and protection they have received from men. Without this symbiotic relationship, our species might not have survived this long, given the biological requirement for both genders to procreate and for women to nurture and raise children.

If we were to explore the hypothetical scenario where men suddenly decided to "strike" from relationships, we would have to analyze how this might affect them. Much like the aforementioned women, men too would face a host of challenges, but their nature might be somewhat different.

Men and Solitude

Men are typically portrayed as being more self-reliant and stoic, needing less emotional support and interaction than women. This portrayal is backed up by some research, suggesting that men might be more equipped to handle solitude. However, this does not necessarily mean they would thrive or be content without the presence of women.

Human beings, irrespective of gender, are social creatures. The need for companionship, understanding, and emotional support are integral aspects of human life. Women often play a significant role in providing these needs for men. So, in a world where men distanced themselves from women, they might have to find alternative ways to fulfill these emotional and social needs.

The Need for Nurturing

While men can certainly perform tasks traditionally associated with women, such as cooking, cleaning, and caring for children, the nurturing aspect typically associated with women might be harder to replace. This does not imply that men cannot be nurturing, but rather that the balance often seen in relationships, where women often play a nurturing role, would be disrupted. Men may need to adapt and embrace more nurturing roles, changing societal expectations in the process.

Societal Impact

The societal impact would likely be significant if men decided to distance themselves from women. Our culture, media, and societal norms revolve around the interaction between men and women, often revolving around romantic and familial relationships. If men were to remove themselves from this equation, societal norms would have to change drastically to adapt to this new reality.

For instance, there would be a shift in the concept of family and child-rearing. If men decided not to engage in relationships with women, it would drastically reduce the birth rate, leading to potential societal challenges such as an aging population. It might also shift the responsibility of child-rearing solely onto women, which could have significant implications on their personal lives and careers.

Economic Impact

From an economic perspective, men pulling back from women could lead to a decrease in consumer spending. From real estate to the wedding industry, many sectors are indirectly dependent on the relationship between men and women. If men decided to live alone and prioritize their own needs, spending in certain industries could decrease.

The Concept of a "Marriage Strike"

The idea of a "marriage strike" is not completely new. Some men's rights activists argue that the risks of marriage (such as the potential for divorce and loss of financial assets) outweigh the benefits for men. They propose that men should avoid marriage altogether, potentially leading to some of the societal changes mentioned above.

This extreme point of view does not represent the majority of men or women, but it does raise interesting questions about the symbiotic relationship between the genders.


In conclusion, while men and women are certainly capable of surviving without each other, their lives, as well as society as a whole, are enriched by their interactions and relationships. Both genders bring unique perspectives and skills to the table, making them indispensable to each other. Rather than envisioning a world where one gender is absent or chooses to distance itself from the other, it might be more fruitful to consider ways in which men and women can better understand and support each other, leading to a more equitable and harmonious society.


The Marriage Strike: Unmasking Dangerous Red Flags in Modern Women


The Marriage Strike: Why Modern Women Fear Independent Men